
The annual migration of a bird through a watershed in Florida has remained stable for several years at an average of 1,2 million birds and a standard deviation of 100,000 birds. In the last year, the number of birds was 700,000. There have been numerous concerns that a development project may be damaging the habitats of the bird. As a first order of inquiry, we need to know if this year’s number was significantly lower than in prior years. Please test this hypothesis at a 5% level of confidence?

In this exercise, please:

  1. Write down the null and the alternative hypothesis.

  2. Please run an R-simulation to test this hypothesis.

  3. Create a frequency distribution plot indicating the expected distribution of the birds and mark with a line the observed value for the last year. Also mark on the figure the 5% boundary of the expected distribution.

In a Word document write down your answers, the figure and the code.