Abandoned Baby

This pattern can take two different forms:

Bullish abandoned Baby

Shorters are in a strike of consecutive attacks (the price is going down), then

Candle 1: one large bear attack is observed,

Candle 2. but energy runs low, with only a very small bear candle to follow (The poor abandoned baby),

Candle 3. weakness is observed by the longers, and they attacks heavely in return.

According to Bulkowski, 49.73% of the times this pattern will result in a price increase.

Think about this pattern as an war by a the bears/shorters that runs out of full.

Bullish abandoned Baby

Figure 5.16: Bullish abandoned Baby

Here is an example:

Bullish abandoned Baby

Figure 5.17: Bullish abandoned Baby

Bearish abandoned Baby

When the longers are in the offensive but run out of fuel, then are the shorters the ones that win.
Bear abandoned Baby

Figure 5.18: Bear abandoned Baby