Final exam

The questions of the exam will be exactly the same questions I have provided for each lecture and for which you delivered weekly assignments.

At the end of the semester, I will provide a calendar with time slots for us to schedule the time for you to take the test. The test can be taken any time in the mornings from Monday to Friday during the last two weeks of the semester. We can find an alternative time, if needed. This will be an oral exam.

Your grading for this test will be as follow:

A week or two before the tests starts, I will provide a GoogleSheets link, where you will mark the questions for which you feel confident you know the answers for. This sheet will give you automatically the grade that you will get in the exam.

Before you claim that you know the answer to a question, I suggest you ask the question in loud voice and answer it in also loud voice. If you respond to the question yourselft, you should be able to respond to the question when I ask it.

At the time of the exam, I will ask three questions randomly from the questions you claimed you know. If you answer them correctly, I have then confirmed that you indeed knew the answers to the questions you claimed you knew and you will get the grade that appears in the sheet. If you fail to answer any of my questions correctly, that means that your own assessment of the content is incorrect; at this time, I will offer you one of two choices:

Option A: I ask you seven more questions out of the total pool of questions. Each correct answer will be 10% of the grade. Your grade for the final exam will be the cumulative number of correct answers you provided.

Option B: I offer you to take the test again, in which case you will go back to the GoogleSheet to mark the questions that you really and honestly know the answers for. From the subset of questions you claim you know, I will ask you three questions to confirm that you knew the answers to those questions. You will get the grade that appears in the sheet if you answer the three questions correctly. If after this second chance you fail to answer the three questions correctly, I will ask you seven more questions randomly from the total pool, and your grade will be based on the number of questions you answer correctly.